Friday, March 28, 2008

Wow, there hasn't been an update in forever....uh. I have a new blog!! So here is the link

Love you guys!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Why I love Animation

The question may or may not be as obvious as I'd like it to be; and maybe sometimes there are just certain times in your life you need to project to yourself why you love something so much, why it makes you feel good about yourself, and why it makes you so mad when people tell you you'll never achieve anything by doing it. The real question is do you have the strength to do what you love because you love it and nothing more, not to prove anything to anyone, not to acheive anything.. just do things out of love.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

*Cough* *Cough*

*COUGH! COUGH!* (hack hack) Wow...ehem.. Sorry about that, I seem to having a cough attack at the second.

Okay, I'm good now. So, how is everyone? I've been "ok" I just recently went to the dentist to get my hurt-ey tooth looked at, and have been dealing with that.. and just doing last minute wedding stuff. Who would have thought. Anyways, I think you guys will like what we have for our cake topper. Although, your going to have to wait Sept sometime to see it, Sorry!

Anyways, I'm Also moving into a new place, So Art related stuff is on hold for a couple days- So you get the snail! I've decided that every time you don't get some kind of art related update you will be provided with a snail

Monday, July 23, 2007

new post

I know it's been a long time before I've posted any sort of drawing, or anything for that matter- and for that I have no excuses; only an appology. not to just you guys, but to myself as well. It's been a tough tough road towards an older age, and i'm currently going through the growing up all the way stage..Where you work a whole lot, and get your own place, and slowly get on your feet- and hope for some opertunity to take you for a ride.

Anyways, it's good to come back swinging with a greater force than before, and to remember how much we artists love drawing, how much fun it was to create these images that last for hundreds of years if we let them and keep them safe. it's just good to have a passion for something, to strive to become all in which we can be, and to do what we love because it's what we love. I think In the past I've come acrost some how that I love animation because it's the best job for me- who's to really say what's the best job I draw/animate because it's what I love and that's it, that;'s all there is to say.

I've been reading some really inspiring blogs latly; and Ill tell you.. wow. theyre are some really nice guys and girl artists out there!!! artists who just love what they do..that's what counts so much.

Pictures are almost worth more than words; So below are a few skecthes from a couple books, I'll post more later tonight or tommarow.